Stocks & Shares ISA

Stocks & Shares ISA

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) and Junior ISAs offer tax efficient investing opportunities, providing shelter from dividends and capital gains tax.

Up to £20,000 can now be invested annually in an ISA for the current tax year.

James Sharp offers Self-Select ISAs which allow clients to invest in a wide range of investments including any UK or foreign company listed on a recognised stock exchange, or any fund or investment trust which meets the ISA rules set by the Inland Revenue.

Stocks & Shares ISA

Stocks & Shares ISAs

  • Tax efficient investing opportunities
  • Shelter from dividends and capital gains tax
  • Self-Select ISAs enable a wide range of investments

Unsure about how to invest?

James Sharp offers three types of investment levels depending on how you feel about making investment decisions.

Ideal for people who prefer to have a hands-off approach to their investments.

We can execute your share dealing instructions at the best prices based on liquidity and market conditions

Talk to an Investment Manager to discuss your finances 0161 764 4043

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